What could GDPR emails possibly teach you about persuasive writing?
Whether it’s the World Cup, final of Wimbledon, or the humble sales email, competition brings out the best in people (unless you play footba

2017 marketing trends and what's in store for 2018
2017 was a bewildering, rollercoaster year. But putting aside scandal, cryptocurrency, political chaos and a certain royal engagement, what

How to make everyone do what you want: the science of pre-suasion
As copywriters, persuasion is what we do and language is how we do it. As an agency, we've helped top brand agencies and companies influ

Could robots soon replace copywriters?
Communicate with anyone, based on personality. That’s the promise of Crystal Knows. According to New Scientist, it works by trawling through

How to write recruitment copy that actually does the job
Everyone who’s ever applied for a job has no doubt spent a chunk of their time and a slither of their soul wading through a swamp of identik