Why tone of voice should be about the brand - not just writing well
Also known as ‘Warm and friendly’, ‘Approachable’ or ‘Personable’. Guidelines with this brand value encourage you to use accessible, non-cor

Let advertising direct your tone of voice
Let me state two true observations. Then see if you can spot the glaring inconsistency they reveal. 1. Any brand’s advertising campaign is t

How to stop long-scrolling websites looking too samey
Remember the bad old days: inching your way towards a tiny link, hidden away in the corner of your phone’s screen?
Thank heavens for infini

Want a distinctive tone of voice? Introduce some constraints
There is a persistent assumption that in order to be creative, you need as much freedom as possible. In reality, the opposite is often true.

Could robots soon replace copywriters?
Communicate with anyone, based on personality. That’s the promise of Crystal Knows. According to New Scientist, it works by trawling through