How to say sorry in a way that builds trust
Everyone makes mistakes. But it's the way you say sorry that decides if your brand sinks or swims. Learn how to say sorry in a way that

Three ways to give your writing a little va va voom
Sometimes, the words just don't come. Or when they do, they aren't quite as wonderful as you need them to be. Here's what to do

Our five secrets of writing great copy
Copywriting is a different creative process to writing fiction, so Hemingway’s tips will not necessarily result in great copy. In this post,

What could GDPR emails possibly teach you about persuasive writing?
Whether it’s the World Cup, final of Wimbledon, or the humble sales email, competition brings out the best in people (unless you play footba

Coach, don't commission
Well, we recently worked with a large recruiter who wanted to craft the perfect 'first approach' email. That's the one they send