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An annual report to dispel misconceptions

Creating a year-long narrative using a fresh tone of voice

An annual report to dispel misconceptions,
The client

The Royal British Legion


The challenge

‘The Legion only work for two weeks in November’. ‘The Legion only care about old people’. ‘The Legion only looks backwards’. All widely believed. All false. For this annual report job we were part copywriter agency, part mythbusters. We needed to show that the Legion stands ‘shoulder to shoulder with all who serve – and their families’ and make it clear that the charity is about more than just poppies.

The solution

A less sombre tone was needed to attract a younger audience. Highlighting welfare activities over remembrance created a flowing, year-long-round narrative. A more proactive and relevant tone of voice better suited to the ‘Afghan generation’ the Legion is now focusing on.


The writing

“‘When the Legion speaks, government listens.’ These aren’t our words but those of a former Secretary of State for Defence. We’ve built up an enviable reputation in the country’s corridors of power. And that’s exactly how it should be. Forces men and women need a powerful voice”.


The results

We've since written the 2018 and 2019 annual report.


The credits

Copywriting agency: Barnaby Benson Copywriting London

Copywriter: Barnaby Benson

Client: The Royal British Legion

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